Have You Seen This Ad? Get the Facts.
Gabe Vasquez. So radical…it’s almost criminal.
CLAIM: Gabe Vasquez wanted to defund police, then lied to cover it up.
Gabe Vasquez said, “it’s not just about defunding the police. It’s about defunding a system” during an interview with KVIA ABC-7 on June 6, 2020.
Then, in November 2022, when asked to explain that comment, Vasquez deflected and stated that people weren’t protesting to defund the police after the death of George Floyd, but were “protesting to defund a system that has irreparably hurt people of color in this country.”
CLAIM: Vasquez supported cutting police funding in half and replacing cops with psychologists.
In response to a constituent demanding at least a 50% reduction of the Las Cruces police department budget, Vasquez responded, “I wholeheartedly and absolutely support police reform…You can count on my support.”
Vasquez even supported replacing police officers “with licensed psychologists.”