Have You Seen This Ad? Get The Facts.
Dave Min is endorsed by a group that helps sex offenders.
CLAIM: Dave Min supported a law that makes it harder for police to investigate sex crimes.
Min voted for SB357, a bill that decriminalized loitering with
the intent to engage in sex work.
“Before SB 357…law enforcement was able to… approach individuals that officers suspect were engaging prostitution and detain them…as a means of identifying whether they were a victim of trafficking.”
Sheriff Jim Cooper and District Attorney Thien Ho cited SB 357 as one of the reasons “pimps and traffickers” have done their business “unimpeded.”
CLAIM: Dave Min is endorsed by a group that helps sex offenders.
In 2024, Dave Min said he was “Proud To Be The #CA47
Candidate For EQUALITY. Thank You @eqca For Your
In 2018, Equality California endorsed Dave Min, a group that cosponsored Senate Bill 145, which would remove a requirement for offenders to register as a sex offender after committing certain sex acts with minors within a 10-year age difference and lowers the penalties for adults who have sex with same-sex minors.
CLAIM: Predators, abusive partners, and sex-offenders get minimal treatment.
In August 2022, Min voted to pass Senate Bill 731, which seals criminal records for certain felonies, for ex-offenders who are not convicted of another felony for four years after completing their sentences and any parole or probation.
The 75,000-Member Peace Officers Research Association Of California opposed the Bill, saying that “by expanding the relief of penalties for all felonies, we are placing our communities at risk.”